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Ancient Americas: South American History

Pacaritambo: The Machu Picchu Magazine & History Bookstore

Ancient South American Civilizations & Andean History

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THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ANCIENT AMERICAS: Explore the Wonders of the Aztec, Maya, Inca, North American Indians & Arctic Peoples
by Jen Green, Fiona MacDonald, Philip Steele, Michael Stotter. Beautiful, historically accurate, color illustrations. Detailed "how-to" color photos. Condition: NEW 2001 Southwater huge, over-size soft cvoer, first printing. Shipping weight 3.5 pounds. Content: Reviewer: "There are 4 large sections: Aztec & Maya, Incas, North American Indians, and Arctic Peoples. Each section is set up rather like a DK book, with several color photos (and a few drawings) and text around them. There is lots of information about how each group of people lived, what they believed, some of their history, etc. There are several craft activities for each section, as well. The weakest section is the North American section, since the information for all groups is together. While readers are informed of the different types of homes, clothing, and general lifestyle between the various cultures, there is little information on any specific culture. Readers wanting information on a particular group (Cherokee, Navajo, etc.) will need an additional source. Overall, this is a very good beginning place for learning about ancient American cultures & peoples, especially for children from 5-12 years old (With 5 year olds looking at the pictures and being told a little, and perhaps doing a few crafts with help, and older children reading the text for themselves and doing the crafts alone). After reading the appropriate section of this book, readers will be ready to learn more about whatever specific group they are interested in." This is an excellent book. Over 800 photos & illustrations, including inside-view artworks of homes of the past; exciting historical models to make at home or school; and pictorial maps and timelines. For junior high and up, but all ages will appreciate, IMHO. [1 copy available]
$ 10.49 + $ 3.29 media shipping.

Price: $ 10.49
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Americas

THE HUAROCHIRI MANUSCRIPT: A Testament of Ancient & Colonial Andean Religion
by Frank Salomon and George L. Urioste. Condition: UNREAD 1991 University of Texas Press large hardcover [11.8 x 9 x 1 (273 pages)] & DJ (in mylar jacket), first edition, first printing. Light tanning to DJ edges. Content: Annotations & Introductory Essay by Frank Salomon. Transcription by George Urioste. "This book takes the reader back to the beginning of the 17th century and tells the customs and believes of the Yunca people. The unknown editor of the Huarochirí Quechua manuscript was an Andean person, well-versed in scribal writing, and recruited by Father Francisco de Avila to document non-Christian practices. Avila's biographer Antonio Acosta thinks Avila wanted this data in order to blackmail discontented parishioners, who had mounted a lawsuit against him in 1607. The Quechua writer was apparently a convinced Catholic in the mold of the Third Council of Lima, and an enemy of the ancient gods. But he also seems interested in demonstrating that the ancient cults had a coherence comparable, albeit adversely and dangerously, with that of Christianity." This was my personal book and I just never got around to reading it. No library sales on this book - I don't want to see it marked up. Questions welcome [1 copy available]
$ 59.50 + $ 3.29 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 59.50
The Huarochiri Manuscript

LORDS OF SIPAN: A True Story of Pre-Inca Tombs, Archaeology, and Crime
by Sidney Kirkpatrick. B&W Moche drawings and a color photo section. Condition: NEW 1993 Owl Henry Holt Trade PB, first thus, first printing. Tiny edgewear. Content: In January 1987 a group of tomb robbers at Huaca Rajada on Peru's north coast had their dreams come true. They stumbled on a pre-Inca tomb of unsurpassed wealth (read: gold) at a site everybody else had written off as already having been plundered. Unfortunatley, for them, greed was their undoing. This is the story of Dr. Walter Alva's fight to save the" King Tut of the America's" tomb. Although the book was written by a screenwriter with a tone of fiction, it is a true story of archaeology in South America. [2 copies available]
$ 7.50 + $ 2.99 media shipping. International shipping available..

Price: $7.50
Lords of Sipan

LORDS OF SIPAN: A True Story of Pre-Inca Tombs, Archaeology, and Crime
by Sidney Kirkpatrick. B&W Moche drawings and a color photo section. Condition: NEW 1992 William Morrow hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), first printing. Content: In January 1987 a group of tomb robbers at Huaca Rajada on Peru's north coast had their dreams come true. They stumbled on a pre-Inca tomb of unsurpassed wealth (read: gold) at a site everybody else had written off as already having been plundered. Unfortunatley, for them, greed was their undoing. This is the story of Dr. Walter Alva's fight to save the" King Tut of the America's" tomb. Although the book was written by a screenwriter with a tone of fiction, it is a true story of archaeology in South America. [1 copy available]
$ 9.50 + $ 2.99 media shipping. International shipping available..

Price: $9.50
Lords of Sipan

by Dr. David M. Jones. Over 500 color photos, maps, artworkds and fine art images. Beautiful!!! Condition: NEW 2007 Hermes House (London) over -sized soft cover, first impression. Content: This is an authoritative account of the awe-inspiring story of the Inca Empire and peoples of the sun - a guide to the lost world of the natives of the Andes: from the acient civilizations of Paracas, Chavin, Nazca and Moche to the Tiwanaku, WAri, and Chimu. A fascinating study of power, politics, war and the empire building that shaped one of the biggest and most sophisticated civilizations in history. Explores myth and religion: how ancient cultures paid homage to rainforest gods - jaguars, serpents, monkeys and birds - and to creator gods, including the Staff Deity and Inti the Sun God. One of those must-have books on the ancient Americas. [2 copies available]
$ 8.49 + $ 3.88 media shipping. International shipping by arrangement only - email us.

Price: $ 10.49
Lost History of the Incas, Dr. David Jones

MARKHAM IN PERU: The Travels of Clements R. Markham, 1852 - 1853
by Charles R. Markham. Edited by Peter Blanchard. B&W maps and illustrations from Markham's journal. Condition: NEW 1991 University of Texas Press Trade Paperback, first edition, first printing. Tiny edge wear. Content: Clements Markham had his own ideas about what his life's work should be. In 1852, Marhkam left his father's choice, the British Navy, and set out for Peru to study the ruins of the Inca empire. His ten-month sojourn in Peru produced this journal, one of the few surviving accounts of Peru at mid-nineteenth century, and launched Markham on a career that led ultimately to the presidency of the Royal Geographical Society. His journal captures Peru in transition from the colonial past to the modern ear. He was one of the first English travelers to visit Cuzco and he also witnessed the waning of slavery on the great cotton and sugar plantations as modern machinery and Chinese coolie labor were introduced. He visited with all classes of society, from the Indian peasants, who still lived much as their Inca ancestors had done, to the Spanish-descended elites, whose Europeanized lifestyle was underwritten by fortunes made in the guano industry. Fascinating! Questions welcome. [2 copies available]
$ 7.49 + $ 2.99 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 7.49
Markham in Peru, Incas

TIME DETECTIVES: How Scientists Use Modern Technology to Unravel The Secrets of The Past
by Brian Fagan. Illustrated with B&W drawings, maps, and photographs. Condition: NEW 1996 Touchstone Trade Paperback, third printing. Tiny edgewear. Content: This exhilarating mix of high adventure and serious scholarship explores how modern archeologists are using techniques like computer imaging, infrared photography and pollen analysis to reconstruct ancient cultures. Fagan, an archaeologist, describes Tiwanaku, a vanished city on Lake Titicaca's Bolivian shore (A.D. 5th-11th centuries), where Andean farmers used crop cultivation methods that are now being copied by modern villagers to increase yields. He visits enigmatic Flag Fen in eastern England, where an enormous Bronze Age timber platform rose amid uninhabited wetlands, the site of sacrificial offerings. He combs Wadi Kubbaniya, an obscure Egyptian valley, home to hunter-gatherers 10,000 years before the pharaohs-possible ancestors of ancient Egyptian civilization. He explains how excavations of the mansions and gardens of 18th-century colonial Annapolis, Md., are revealing class divisions between a white elite and African Americans who comprised as much as one-third of the population. Fagan also explores multistory New Mexican pueblos of the Anasazi, a Sumerian temple complex, Blackfoot bison hunt sites on Canadian cliffs and remnants of the Natufian culture-some of the world's earliest farmers - discovered in the 1930s in what is now Israel. [Whether you agree or disagree with Fagan, he always makes you think.] [1 copy available]
$ 6.69 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available..

Price: $ 6.69
Time Detectives, Brian Fagan

art from a photo. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get anywhere else. 4.0" H x 3.0" W. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Libra BT) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us. Content: This bookplate is also a design from much of Inca and pre-Inca stonework. This is also from the Gate of the Sun.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Andean God

art by Sdmix. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at anywhere else. 4.0" H x 3.0" W. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Blue Highway Linocut) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us. Content: This is a faithful reproduction of the giant spider drawing (geoglyph) from the Nazca Lines on the Nazca Plain in southern Peru.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Nazca Lines Bookplates

Gold Inca Llama